Producent sprzętu do siłowni SportsArt Fitness - zadzwoń teraz +48 55 2329372 lub napisz


Mușchiul biceps femural în poziție așezată

  • Precis 100 kg

    Precis 100 kg

  • Îndoit și sudat

    Îndoit și sudat

  • 3 intervale de mișcare

    3 intervale de mișcare

  • centura de kevlar

    Przeniesienie napędu
    centura de kevlar

  • La fiecare 1,5 kg

    Zmiana obciążenia
    La fiecare 1,5 kg


    The "N" line, known as Premium, has been manufactured with the utmost precision and features a sleek stack equipped with magnetic selectors. The devices are equipped with a clutch system that allows for weight changes in increments of 1.5 kg, allowing each user to adjust the load to their needs. The cam and lever system has been designed by specialists in the field of biomechanics and movement physiology. Every user, regardless of height or gender, can adjust the machine to their own predispositions. The load in the machines is transferred by non-stretch and very durable Kevlar belts.

    Dodatkowe informacje

    • Dimensiune: 115 x 128 x 162 cm
    • Greutatea maximă a utilizatorului: 227 kg
    • Greutatea inițială: 3,5 kg
    • Curea de Kevlar rezistentă pentru 998 kg.
    • Stivele greutăților sunt izolate fonic


    Dostępne w kategorii Superior

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